WIP / Doodle in KniteBlargh's Gallery

Go, KB, go!

Checking in quickly; I think image posts are working again, sooo...

Here's a Blobcat doodle I made in Krita!

Well, that's one of them done. She is my pride and joy. I should be able to post the full image on Friday.

: Clip Studio Paint

Workin' on somethin'.

Little something for Pokemon Day 2024. #MyFavoriteMon is Jigglypuff.

: Clip Studio Paint

Tentacool, listen... You can't just put the word "cool" in your name and expect it to— Okay, yeah, you're actually kind of cool, nevermind.

: Clip Studio Paint

Oh... So that's why...

: Clip Studio Paint

Here's a quickie! Saw a hermit thrush yesterday, so wanted to paint one before I get started on everything I need to do today.

Hope you're all doing well! Keep up the good work!

: Clip Studio Paint

Victreebel is an odd one.

: Clip Studio Paint

This is another Drawpile doodle I made a while back... A Pokemon idea generator gave me the prompt "poison sheep." I named it Ramson. So original.

I want to go back and revisit that concept at some point—make it cute. This is giving... Toxic.